A big thank you to every supporter!!! We have now completed the first stage and financed the land. Now it’s time for the next steps: foil tunnel, wildlife fence, trees…

We are overjoyed that, thanks to your support, we have now completed the first stage of crowdfunding. With the money raised so far, we can finance the rest of the purchase price of the property. The largest part was already secured thanks to a generous individual donor – thanks again to her.
And a warm Thank you to everyone who has contributed.
Every contribution matters!
Now we can concentrate on financing the next concrete steps for the remaining term 😉 of our crowdfunding:
Wildlife fence, tool shed, foil tunnel, separation toilet, well drilling, solar-powered pump, tools like scythes, digging forks, hay rakes and of course trees, bushes, perennial vegetables… there’s a lot that goes into building up a farm like this.
We look forward to celebrating with you on site in spring at the latest!