Review 2021

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The list of our achievements during our first practical year in Rehfelde-Dorf is long: we had to deal with almost 10 different authorities and institutions. In a permaculture planning group, we gradually worked out a vision for the development of the site. By the end of the summer, the market garden had already delivered around 35 Solawi harvests. 20 groups, families and individuals have worked in the experimental gardens. Around 100 different volunteers have helped with joint work assignments.

Here is a short list of the stages:
Inspections with the lower nature conservation authority, among others
Property measurements
Well drilled
Vegetable plots divided up
Equipment shed built
Market garden & CSA started
Experimental gardens started
Permaculture master plan developed
Fencing around the vegetable plot
Circular garden created (workshop)
Shade tree nursery started
South meadow divided into sun traps
First tree plantings

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