And because it was so nice – again! …. Garden action day on 13.11.

On the last day of action in our vegetable garden, tens of tons of soil were loosened, buckets of weeds removed, measured, raked, hauled, carted and laughed. Now it’s time to get the beds ready for winter, plant garlic and winter bulbs, and set up a foil tunnel. Of course, if you can’t get enough, you can dig in the soil to your heart’s content, shovel compost without end, and mulch for all it’s worth so that everything is ready for the new sowings in the spring!

Afterwards a big soup pot is waiting for you at the campfire and wants to be emptied. Tea and mulled wine put us in the mood for a beautiful end to our garden year!

Remember, it can be fresh and wet – so don’t forget weatherproof clothing! A snack for in between would also not be bad.

Looking forward to a great day with you!

See you on Sunday!

Your Janny

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