As in previous years, we started the new year with a tree planting campaign and invited all interested parties to plant a piece of the future with us. On the first Saturday of the new year, we met at 10:30 a.m. in our forest garden in Rehfelde-Dorf.

At the beginning there was a brief introduction as to why, what and how exactly we plant things according to the syntropic system. By the way, syntropy has nothing to do with tropical but is the opposite of entrophy, meaning “regenerative”.
Together we extended the row of syntropic agroforestry that we had already started. In the coming years and decades, different succession stages of trees and shrubs will grow in this north-south oriented grove strip, pushing each other upwards and gradually being extended by further rows. We prepared the line together, removed the grass and collected mulch. Then we planted some perennial fruit trees and a mixture of clippings from trees and shrubs in the prepared row and put lots of tree seeds, nuts and acorns in so-called “seed nests” in the ground.

We were able to warm up at a fire bowl with warm punch in between, as the temperatures were around freezing point. Lucky those who had dressed warmly with good weatherproof shoes and warm work gloves!
A great start to 2024!