In addition to vegetables, fruit and berries, mushrooms are another nutritious addition to a forest garden.

In Rehfelde-Dorf we have different areas that are suitable for mushroom cultivation:
In the shade of trees in the northern forest, mushrooms are primarily grown on logs. As storm damage regularly occurs on our large site, it is a good idea to inoculate large broken branches with mushroom mycelium so that edible mushrooms can be harvested from them after one to two years

In the “Pappelallee” (poplar avenue), we had to shorten very old and therefore already weak trees so that it is still safe for everyone to walk on the site. In consultation with the regional nature conservation authority, we left the dead wood on the site, which is very valuable for nature. Partly inoculated with native mushroom species and partly growing all by themselves, edible mushroom species are also thriving there alongside others that are not suitable for us to eat, but enrich nature in their diversity.