Bank transfer to our donation account
Our association has a donation account at GLS-Bank. Donations for various charitable projects of Sarsarale e.V. are received here. Donation receipts are always issued in February of the following year.
For donations intended for our forest garden pilot in Rehfelde:
please write “Waldgartenpilot Rehfelde” in the subject line!
GLS – Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum
Kontoinhaber: FoodForestNetwork e.V (ehem. Sarsarale e.V.)
IBAN: DE30430609676015001900, BIC: GENODEM1GLS
Our 2020 crowdfunding campaign
With the help of 179 donors, we were able to collect almost 15,000 Euros to cover the missing Euros of the purchase sum and to invest in the initial equipment of material and trees.
>> Click here to go to the crowdfunding campaign of 2020 on Startnext <<