Waldgarten Rehfelde

Food Forest near Berlin

The location of our forest garden is the village of Rehfelde-Dorf, east of Berlin.


We aim to spread the idea of food forests in agriculture throughout Europe.

Our association, FoodForestNetwork e.V., already supports a Permafoodforest in Senegal, SubSahara-Africa, and it works wonderfully – with nature, not against it!
FoodForests are known for many decades for bringing back a rich biodiversity in agriculture, fix CO² in the soil, stop erosion and counteract water scarcity.

Existing FoofForests are durable, but small – we are scaling them up now.

First, we will build a large FoodForest, managed by a CSA, to show that it is possible to ensure sustainable food production AND be economically viable. CSA stands for community supported agriculture, meaning that the harvest is shared between the members whose contribution supports the farmer’s livelihood).

Then, with the help of documentation and scientific evaluation,
we want to collect realistic yield figures for food forests.
We will develop tutorials to build up this systems.
With these instructions and realistic yield figures, we will persuade farmers to produce healthy food in harmony with nature.

We want to bring a sustainable change to land use and food production for the benefit of nature – for all of us and our grandchildren.

If you would like to contact us,

Kontakt Formular Rehfelde

or send a message to waldgarten-rehfelde (ät) web.de

Foodforest Rehfelde is a project of the association FoodforestNetwork e.V.